Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Blog Due: Sept. 27

Title:  My Learning DNA

Create a post that includes the following elements of information that will affect your future classroom.   Remember to refer to this blog prompt in your post.

Characteristics That Add Value to my Teaching (7-10)

Identify 7 - 10 characteristics or personality qualities that you feel you possess in a high degree that will influence your teaching positively on a regular basis.  Describe how each characteristic will influence your classroom.

My Multiple Intelligences (2-4)

Discuss your top 2 - 4 Multiple Intelligences.  Describe how they will specifically influence your classroom management, planning, and environment.  Embed a screen shot of your results to the multiple intelligence quiz.

My Learning Preferences (Dunn and Dunn) (3 - 15)

Identify those learning preferences that will affect the decisions you make about how your classroom looks, sounds and operates.  Be specific in your descriptions.  Add interest with images of your learning preferences.

My Learning Styles (1-2)
Are you a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner?  What do your scores say?

Cone of Learning
Discuss your revelations from the Cone of Learning presented earlier.  How does this relate to you and the way you best learn?  How will you apply this to your future classroom?

My Gallup Significant Themes (5)

Add the 5 significant themes from your Gallup StrengthsFinder instrument to your blog post.  Use a one sentence description to explain what or how each theme applies to you.

Word Cloud
Embed your word cloud consisting of at least 20 - 30 words related to your learning DNA.  Be sure to add your name in your word cloud.  To keep your first and last name together, insert a "~" between the words.

Use or to create your cloud.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Blog Comment Due Sept. 22

Classroom Computer Protocol and Technology Update

The beginning of the school year was hectic and there were several issues with technology during the first two weeks. Because we were "behind" so to speak, we didn't go over usual technology protocol for use and care of tech tools.   Please read the entire blog and follow directions at the end.  Reading and commenting will count as a blog grade.  After you have read the blog, make a comment at the end of this post.  If you don't comment, I will assume you didn't read it.  Your comment should include this statement:  "I have read the classroom computer protocol and technology updates and I will do my best to abide by them.  Include one other statement from the blog that you learned.  Sign your name.  Due by Friday, September 22.    
  • Check the number to assure you have the right computer
  • Make sure it is fully charged and ready to go. 
  • Although we will not use the Macbooks every day, we will use frequently, have it already opened or immediately pull it up when you get into a class, this will help save time.  
  • When you return your Macbook to it's tray at the end of class, be sure it is in the right tray and the charger lights up.  This is a courtesy to others.
  • Do not carry your laptop by the screen.  This will harm the built in camera.
  • Clean the screen with wipes that are provided and never spray anything on your computer.
  • Keep drinks and food away from your computer.

  1.  Screens Down – Anytime someone is speaking (teacher, speaker or other students), screens will be tilted down.  Nothing is more distracting to you or to others around you than someone surfing the web.  Putting the screen down will help bring attention to the task at hand.
  2. Tech-Tips – It is required for you to have a Chrome toolbar set up on your computer. Always make sure you are logged in to your Chrome toolbar.  Your name should appear in the top right corner of your screen.  The minimum bookmarks you should have at this time are Canvas, BISD, My Blog, Your Blog and additionally you should have the URL shortener as an add on.  Others will come at a later time.  Bookmarks are a HUGE time saver.  
  3. Sound – All laptops will be muted during class time.  If you are working on an independent project, you may listen to music with your headphones.  Do not assume you can leave headphones in when you enter the classroom.  When I begin speaking, remove your headphones. Do not charge your phones from the laptops. 
  4. Camera Use – Your laptop is equipped with both a digital camera and digital video recorder. With these tools, we will create a multitude of projects from footage and photos you take. There are expectations that the photos and videos taken are appropriate and in good taste. The subject should always be asked before an image is taken of them. Privileges of these two tools will be revoked if used inappropriately. Please refrain from taping video and snapping pictures of people without permission.
  5. Self-Management – If it is not related to the task assigned, you should not be doing it during class. This includes email, Googling, and social networks. Self-Management of digital access is a lifelong skill that relates to productivity.  Do not change the home screen on your computers. Manage your files and keep desktop clutter to a minimum.  
  6. Saving work – You should be saving your work.  Everyone has a Google Drive.  You should save all of your work in your own drive.  You can drag all types of files into the drive, even if they are not google files.  Word, Excel, PowerPoint, jpg, png, PDF..

Thanks for reading.  Now comment!  

Friday, September 1, 2017

Blog Due September 8

You watched The Ron Clark Story recently.  Ron Clark founded The Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, GA. Please click here and explore his website.   If you are on social media such as Twitter and Facebook, consider following him to see what exciting things are going on in his model school.  

If you missed the movie, it is on YouTube, watch it!

Your assignment is this, address the following questions in a conversational dialogue. Remember, you will need to follow the rubric for best results.  Refer to the prompt in your blog.  

Written content on blog:
  • Why are rules important for learning? 
  • How can rules help to keep a classroom running smoothly?
  • What often happens in a classroom that is void of rules?  
Google Doc with pictures:
  • Create a Google Doc of your rules, then Hyperlink your Google Doc Link of the classroom rules you made.
  • Include the consequences to your rules.  Rules are nothing but words, without consequences.  

Due Friday, Sept. 8 before class begins.
As always, you will need to follow the rubric.
Have a great week!

Blog Rules

(Look for your assignment at the bottom) 

You will create your own blog.  This is where you will POST a response to my prompt on your blog.  Here are some quick guidelines on how to make a good POST.  Expert blogger, Darren Rowse, offers ten tips that will help you become an expert blogger.
Ten Tips for Writing a Blog Post

Other times I will ask for a COMMENT.  You will comment directly on my blog.  A comment is exactly what the name implies.  It is short and to the point.  It gives your opinion in a short amount of words.  In many cases, it may be a sentence or less. 

All posts and comments must be concise, contain meaningful content, avoid the use of inappropriate language or content, and make attempts to use proper writing mechanics - grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.  

All interns will need to cite the reference material on which they are commenting.

All interns will need varied sources of media that include related pics, videos, links, etc.

Here is the rubric showing how you will be assessed.

Quality of Writing, Organized
Interesting style and voice
Informative and reflective

Writing Mechanics
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • Capitalization
  • Construction
-1  for each error

  • Formatting
  • Font
  • Background
  • Use of color
  • Title 

Multimedia - 3 different sources

  • 1 should link to blog assignment
  • 1 should link to reference article
  • At least 1 pic, video, or additional link
  • Adds perspective

Deadlines – Blog is posted by deadline (no late grades).