Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Blog due Friday, November 11

Title:  Teachers Go Beyond the Call of Duty -- What's Your Calling?

Congratulations to all of the BCTAL - Birdville/Haltom members who competed in Crowley, TX on Saturday, Nov. 5.  All 15 participants qualified for state in one or more events.  The TAFE Teach Tomorrow Summit will be held in Arlington at the city's convention center, the Sheraton Convention Center, and the University of Texas - Arlington.  Mark your calendar for February 17 - 19 to take part in this exciting experience.

Whether you competed at BCTAL, worked behind the scenes on a TAFE project, or prepared a Teacher Created Material for your classroom, you were all involved in a TAFE experience.  Reflect on what you were called to do during this experience.  You may want to consider some of the following as you write your reflection.

  • What criteria did you use to make your decision about what contest(s)/competition(s)/project you selected for this course requirement?
  • Knowing what you do now, would you make any changes about that decision?  Would you select a different contest/competition/project?  Team members?  
  • What were the obstacles/difficulties you encountered?
  • What have you enjoy best/least about your contest(s)/competition(s)/project?
  • If doing it all over again, what would you change?
  • What have you gained from following through with this experience?
  • Are you looking forward to anything as a result of your participation/completion of this?
  • How do you plan to use your activity in your field site classroom?  (non-competitors)
  • TAFE competitors may discuss their plan to prepare for the Teach Tomorrow Summit in February. 
Those who attended the TAFE Region XI Conference Leadership Day in Crowley may include that experience in their commentary.  You may find some great pics to use on the TAFE server to include on your blog post.

Remember to follow the BCTAL 901 blog guidelines - 3 media sources: blog prompt, reference support, and other media of choice.  Happy blogging!