Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog due on Monday, December 7

Title:  Built for Learning

Are schools built for learning?

What makes you want to learn something?

Watch and listen below to Will Richardson's TED Talk about the changing face of education.  As future educators you will be challenged during your careers to make real world changes and reform the way students will be learning.  

In your blog, describe an ideal learning environment for you.  Think about how this ideal setting could be incorporated into a future school day.  Use complete sentences.  Try to find pictures and links of what an ideal classroom/learning environment would look like to you.  Include how long you think classes should be and why.  What measures would you use to evaluate students on their performance?

Remember to use good writing conventions and to follow the blog rubric for the best possible score. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Blog due on Monday, November 16

Title:  Learning Activity

Create a learning activity for your grade level/subject level. It should coincide with the Board Builder you made to use in your classroom. Connect the two to have a complete learning experience inside your classroom. You should take a screen shot and include a link to your Discovery Education Board Builder activity on your blog.
You may get your ideas from websites such as Pinterest or good quality teacher blogs - BUT make it your own.

  1. Write specific details about subject / grade level (example: 3rd grade - Math, Multiplication Activity)
  2. Write clear objectives for what the student is to learn (otherwise know as the outcome)
  3. Write clear directions on how to make the activity
  4. List the specific materials needed to make the activity - if it goes along with a book, include the book title with a link where to get it.
  5. Take a picture of your finished product. Upload it to your blog.
Game, manipulative, puppet, dance, scavenger hunt, Puzzle, APP activity, QR code, book extension, art project... the sky's the limit.

Remember to exercise your mind (calisthenics) while you do your Kallas-thenics!

Blog due Monday, November 9

Title:  Find the Treasure in Teaching

Ahoy, matey!  Whether you competed at BCTAL, worked behind the scenes on a TAFE project, or prepared a Teacher Created Material for your classroom, you were all involved in a TAFE experience.  Reflect on what treasures you have gained through the experience.  You may want to consider some of the following as you write your reflection.

  • What criteria did you use to make your decision about what contest(s)/competition(s)/project you would be selecting for this course requirement?
  • Knowing what you do now, would you make any changes about that decision?
  • What were the obstacles/difficulties you encountered?
  • What have you enjoy best/least about your contest(s)/competition(s)/project?
  • If doing it all over again, what would you change?
  • What have you gained from following through with this experience?
  • Are you looking forward to anything as a result of your participation/completion of this?

Shiver me timbers!  Those who attended the TAFE Region XI Conference Leadership Day at TCU may include that experience in their commentary.  You may find some great pics to use on the TAFE server to include on your blog post.

Argh! Remember to follow the BCTAL 901 blog guidelines - 3 media sources: blog prompt, reference support, and other media of choice.  Happy blogging!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blog Due Monday, October 5

Title:  Reading Rocks!

Recently, Mrs. Julie Pursley visited our classes and spoke with us about reading to students.  She gave advice on using voice, inflection, and questioning strategies.  Since reading is used in almost everything we do, it is important to read to others to create interest in a skill the students will need to love and do.

One of the first things your new mentor teacher will probably ask you to do is to read to students.  It is important you feel comfortable doing this. 

Your blog assignment is to choose one of the children's books from our selection or one of your own.

  • List the title of the book, the author and illustrator.  You should give a one paragraph book review of the book.  
  • Read the book to yourself so you understand the story and how it should sound.  Is it a good read aloud book?  
  • What is the age appropriateness of this book?
  • Choose a few key words from the book that you could focus on with your students.  
  • Formulate higher order thinking questions and list a few.  
  • Create an activity that you could do with your students.  Write the steps you would take for this activity.  
  • If it has a sing song to it, practice and sing!
  • Either find a picture of your book from google or take a picture with your phone of the book cover.  Insert in your blog.
  • Look online (YouTube) and see if there is a recording of your book being read by the author.  Many have this.  If it is available (and appropriate), embed the video on your blog.  If there are other online activities available, include a link to the website(s).  

This blog is due Monday, October 5.  As always, follow the rubric for best results.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Blog Assignment #3 Due Friday, September 18

Title:  What Do Teachers Make?

You have just finished viewing the TEACH documentary following the year-long journey of four teachers transforming their delivery in the classroom.  At the end of the year the question, What difference did it make? could be asked.  To the students whose lives were changed, it made a significant difference.

Listen to Taylor Mali as he recites his poem, What Do Teachers Make.


Click here to view the poem

Image that you were at a get-together with family and/or friends and the same question was posed to you?  What would your reply be?

Support your response with evidence such as statistics, anecdotes, testimonials, interviews, etc.

Remember, your blog must link to the original prompt (this blog post) and include two other media sources such as a link to support material, an embedded audio or video, images, documents, etc.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Blog Assignment #2 Due Sept 4

Title:  Here's Where I Find the Treasure in Teaching

Create a post that demonstrates the following skills.  You will need to search for items that are examples that YOU like.

1.  Type in a favorite teaching quote.  Change the text features (font, size, color, underline, bold, justification) so that you like it and it is appealing to the reader.

Link to an educational site or your student organizations

Click here for TAFE

Insert a picture related to education

Link a video

Blog Assignment #1 Due Sept. 4 - Welcome to My Blog!

Title:  Welcome to my Blog!

Set up your own blog by visiting  Blogger is part of your Google account.
To log in, use your Gmail user name and password.  Then select "Blog."
Set up a template that is professional for this class and easy to read. Show your page to Mrs. Kallas before finalizing.

Bookmark your blog on your computer.
Record your log in, user name, and password in your "secret" folder.

Create a greeting POST for your blog.  It should welcome readers and indicate what your blog is about.  Of course, your blog is designed to comment on issues and topics that are current in the field of education.  It is designed for you to think critically and respond intelligently to hot topics. Your greeting post does not have to include media, but think about how you can use formatting and pictures to make it interesting.


Blog Rubric - Comment #1 Due Sept. 4

(Look for your assignment at the bottom) 

You will create your own blog.  This is where you will POST a response to my prompt on your blog.  Here are some quick guidelines on how to make a good POST.  Expert blogger, Darren Rowse, offers ten tips that will help you become an expert blogger.
Ten Tips for Writing a Blog Post

Other times I will ask for a COMMENT.  You will comment directly on my blog.  A comment is exactly what the name implies.  It is short and to the point.  It gives your opinion in a short amount of words.  In many cases, it may be a sentence or less. 

All posts and comments must be concise, contain meaningful content, avoid the use of inappropriate language or content, and make attempts to use proper writing mechanics - grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.  

All interns will need to cite the reference material on which they are commenting.

All interns will need varied sources of media that include related pics, videos, links, etc.

Here is the rubric showing how you will be assessed.

Quality of Writing, Organized
Interesting style and voice
Informative and reflective

Writing Mechanics
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • Capitalization
  • Construction
-1  for each error

  • Formatting
  • Font
  • Background
  • Use of color
  • Title 

Multimedia - 3 different sources

  • 1 should link to blog assignment
  • 1 should link to reference article
  • At least 1 pic, video, or additional link
  • Adds perspective

Deadlines – Blog is posted by deadline (no late grades).  


After you have read the linked article and reviewed the rules, make a comment on this blog.
Pick out the rule from the "10 Tips" article that you think is most important, and tell why.  Review the blog rubric and identify which area you feel you will have the most difficulty.

It's Time to do Your Kallas-thenics!

Kallas-thenics is the official blog for Birdville ISD Education and Training Interns taking class in BCTAL 901.  Exercise your intellect through writing exercises that will challenge your mind.  Use it as a forum for you to express your thoughts and feelings about the world of education throughout your internship.

It is your responsibility to check this blog regularly so that you can meet all required deadlines. Blogs not finished during class time must be completed on your own time.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Final Exam Blog - Seniors due on May 20. Juniors due June 1

Title:  What Will I Do to Create Change?

As a future educator, you will have an opportunity to influence the direction that education takes - especially in your classroom.  Of course this takes vision and a determination to use solid teaching strategies that incorporate teaching for today, not yesterday.

View this TED Talk by Canadian principal, George Couros, who challenges you to think about using your voice (and your students') to share with others what you are doing to change education.

View the graphic, 8 Things to Look for in Today's Classroom, below.  Couros proposes that these are the things you should spot in a strong learning environment.  Review it carefully and think about the following:

8 Things to Look for in Today's Classroom

  • Which points resonate with you the most?  Why do you think that is?
  • With which points are you uncomfortable, or maybe least familiar? 
For this component of your final exam, you will answer the question from Couros' TED Talk, "Will you be teaching for yesterday or tomorrow?"  To do this, incorporate the answers to the following questions in your response.  
  • Think about your education throughout the past 10+ years.  Select three of the items on the graphic and comment on how you saw these items incorporated (or not incorporated) into classrooms that you had. Give examples of how each item was fulfilled (or omitted) in your classroom.  (Do not use teacher's names if you are giving a negative example).
  • Now think about your future classroom.  Select three of the items and give an example of how you will bring these to fruition in your classroom.  What teaching strategies will you use to make these items visible to your students and their parents.  Be descriptive in your examples.
All blog rules for BCTAL 901 apply for this assignment.  Happy blogging!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Blog due Monday, May 11, 2015

Who is Your Teacher of the Year?

Who is the National Teacher of the Year 2015?  Watch below.  She's a fellow Texan!

Do you know who is BCTAL's 2015 Teacher of the Year?
Do you know who is the 2015 Teacher of the Year at your home campus?

Click here and complete the form to tell what most influenced your education.

Every student has had their personal "Teacher of the Year."  Think back throughout your education.  Who has your's been?

Post a thank you letter to your favorite teacher that includes how that teacher influenced you.  As always, use your best writing conventions because I will be sharing these with the teacher you thanked if they are still teaching in the district.

For this blog only:  You do not need to reference my blog post or any other media sources.  However, that means your letter format should be pristine!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Due on Friday, April 3, 2015

Title:  Bill to Bypass Exams OK'd

Read the recent article in the March 18, 2015 Fort Worth Star-Telegram about legislation introduced to allow the potential 28,000 seniors in the Texas class of 2015 who have not passed all of their end-of-course exams the opportunity to graduate.

What factors would be taken into consideration in allowing a student who has not passed all of the tests to graduate?

Two local senators, Kelly Hancock (from NRH) and Jane Nelson (Flower Mound), voted against the bill.  Why do you think they took this stance?

On the other hand -- why do you think so many senators supported it?

What happens to students who don't graduate?  How do they affect the local economy?  Society as a whole?

What is your stance on the issue?  Don't be wishy-washy in articulating your thoughts.  Be very clear in how you feel and be sure to support your reasons.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blog Due March 6, 2015

For TAFE State Participants Only

Title:  My State Teach Tomorrow Summit Highlight

Write a brief overview of your favorite highlight of the TAFE Teach Tomorrow Summit.  It may be about a featured speaker, the competitive events, a group activity, the talent/hypnosis show, the hotel experience, or anything that occurred during the trip to Lubbock, Texas.  Include why (or why not) you would recommend this experience for your fellow TAFE members who did not participate.

Reminder:  You must have a link to the blog prompt, a link to a related source (such as the Teach Tomorrow Summit on the TAFE website, and another media source; there are over 100 pics from the Summit on the RST Server)

Next, write a formal letter to Dr. Linda Anderson, Director of Career and Technology Education for BISD, thanking her for her support of TAFE at the State Teach Tomorrow Summit.  Her financial support covered the coach transportation, hotel costs, registration fees, meal money, and more.

Be sure to follow the guidelines for writing a proper thank you letter.
Click Here for Thank You Etiquette

All Other Interns 

Title:  Nontraditional Forms of Assessment

As we investigate a number of alternative assessments that can be used with your students, think about ways that would best measure the performance of your students in their mastery of the TEKS. Read the GO Teach article about assessment by clicking the link below.

Nontraditional Forms of Assessment

Discuss what you learned or what information was reinforced from the article.  From the examples listed in the article, which one did you like the best?  Is that because it fits the way you like to be assessed, or is it a form of assessment you could envision using with your field site students?

Next, identify a form of assessment (not found in the article) that you think would be effective to use with your students.  Include the name of the assessment, write a brief description of what it looks like or how it is used, and explain what grade/content for which you would use it as an assessment.  Include which TEKS it would measure.  (Cut and paste the full TEKS -- number and words -- in your blog post.)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blog Due Friday, January 16, 2015

Title:  How Do You Measure Up?

You will be receiving a copy of your mentor teacher's evaluation of your performance in his/her classroom on January 16..  It is important to receive feedback in order to identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement.

Click here to evaluate yourself.  This is the same evaluation form that your mentor teacher has used to evaluate you.   By completing this, you will have an opportunity to compare your perception of your performance with your mentor's perception of your performance.

As you complete the evaluation, remember to answer honestly, not how you wish you had performed.  You don't need to be overly harsh on yourself, but it is wise to remember that nobody is perfect and there is always room for growth or improvement.

When you have completed your self-evaluation, ask me for the copy of your mentor's evaluation of you.  Compare the results.

Post on your blog answers to the following:
  • Did you get the grade you were expecting from your mentor?  Explain.
  • What insight(s) did the comments give you?
  • Name an area (or areas) in which you would like to improve.  How could you do that?
You do not need to do anything extra (no media, links, etc.) unless you would like extra credit or you just love blogging.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Blog Due Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Title:  My Plans for the New Year! 

2015 is Here!  It's a New Year and a fresh start in the spring semester!

  • Seniors - You have 20 weeks of high school left!
  • Juniors - You are about to register for your senior year classes!
Have you set yourself up for success after high school?  Or do you have some work to do?  It's never too late to begin.  Think about what you have to accomplish from now through May.  What are some of the things you need to make happen?  Do you need to improve your grades, take college placement tests, or apply for scholarships?  Seniors - Where are you in the college application process - application, acceptance, dorms, scholarships, etc.?  Juniors - what types of classes do you need to take to make you a highly desirable college applicant?  

In this blog, compose three goals in the following areas:

  • College planning:  Applications, testing, visits, scholarships, and more
  • Attendance
  • Grades
You will be reflecting on your progress later, so be sure that they are realistic and achievable.  Here are the components that each goal must include:
  • The outcome or desired behavior
  • The timeframe
  • The methodology or way it will take place
Poor example:  I will have better attendance.
Good example:  I will improve my attendance this semester by getting up 10 minutes early each day to avoid tardies.

Poor example:  I will get scholarship money for college.
Good example:  I will try to secure $1000 in scholarships for my freshman year by applying for at least 5 scholarships by April 1.  

To complete your blog, discuss how achieving these goals will improve your quality of life.  How will the results make your life better?  Be sure your discussion has support.
Remember - the blog rubric is in effect (content/writing mechanics/media, links, files, videos/deadlines.