Recently, Mrs. Julie Pursley visited our classes and spoke with us about reading to students. She gave advice on using voice, inflection, and questioning strategies. Since reading is used in almost everything we do, it is important to read to others to create interest in a skill the students will need to love and do.
One of the first things your new mentor teacher will probably ask you to do is to read to students. It is important you feel comfortable doing this.
Your blog assignment is to choose one of the children's books from our selection or one of your own.
- List the title of the book, the author and illustrator. You should give a one paragraph book review of the book.
- Read the book to yourself so you understand the story and how it should sound. Is it a good read aloud book?
- What is the age appropriateness of this book?
- Choose a few key words from the book that you could focus on with your students.
- Formulate higher order thinking questions and list a few.
- Create an activity that you could do with your students. Write the steps you would take for this activity.
- If it has a sing song to it, practice and sing!
- Either find a picture of your book from google or take a picture with your phone of the book cover. Insert in your blog.
- Look online (YouTube) and see if there is a recording of your book being read by the author. Many have this. If it is available (and appropriate), embed the video on your blog. If there are other online activities available, include a link to the website(s).

This blog is due Monday, October 5. As always, follow the rubric for best results.