(Look for your assignment at the bottom)
You will create your own blog. This is where you will POST a response to my prompt on your blog. Here are some quick guidelines on how to make a good POST. Expert blogger, Darren Rowse, offers ten tips that will help you become an expert blogger.
Ten Tips for Writing a Blog Post
Other times I will ask for a COMMENT. You will comment directly on my blog. A comment is exactly what the name implies. It is short and to the point. It gives your opinion in a short amount of words. In many cases, it may be a sentence or less.
All posts and comments must be concise, contain meaningful content, avoid the use of inappropriate language or content, and make attempts to use proper writing mechanics - grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
All interns will need to cite the reference material on which they are commenting.
All interns will need varied sources of media that include related pics, videos, links, etc.
Here is the rubric showing how you will be assessed.
Quality of Writing, Organized
Interesting style and voice
Informative and reflective
Organized |
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Writing Mechanics
-1 for each error
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Multimedia - 3 different sources
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Deadlines – Blog is posted by deadline (no late grades).
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After you have read the linked article and reviewed the rules, make a comment on this blog.
Pick out the rule from the "10 Tips" article that you think is most important, and tell why. Review the blog rubric and identify which area you feel you will have the most difficulty.
For my opinion about writing a blog, I think writing with passion works the best because if you are really passion about your favorite hobby, sports or different interest and you are willing to say whatever you want to make a point and maybe the other people who have the same interest might agree what is your point of the topic.
ReplyDeleteWhen posting on my blog I think one thing that will be a challenge for me is "250 words is enough" or "less words". The reason for this is that I am extremely wordy when i type or even when I speak and i have trouble getting to the point.
ReplyDeleteI like the rule about "write with passion" because I believe everybody should write with emotion and feeling.
ReplyDeletelink like crazy is a good one because IT SEEMS FUNNY
ReplyDeleteI like the rule about writing less because I am not one to write a lot at one time and i am short on words in posts.
ReplyDeleteWriting Less will be my biggest challenge because I tend to write without stopping, but I think 250 words will enough to express my thoughts.
ReplyDelete"250 words or less" is important because people like me don't enjoy reading and like finding the desired information quickly. I think I am going to have the most difficulty with linking different sources because I don't always remember where I find specific information.
ReplyDeleteI will have a problem with littering my posts with keywords because I always write thinking that people will read my posts the same way that I am thinking.
ReplyDeleteI really like the tip on less words is more, but I think I will have problems with making my posts scannable.
ReplyDeleteI like the tip "Write less" because I usually get my point across in the first or second sentence. I think it will be the hardest for me to have the blog in by the deadline because I forget to do a lot.
ReplyDeleteI think the biggest challenge will be spelling because I am the worst speller. I also like the rule of making it easy to scan because I like to design my page.
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ReplyDeleteIn my option the most important tip in the article "10 Tips" is to "writ with passion," because its a better feeling to do something that you like or are into it. Something that I would probably have trouble the most would be Editing my Pots, because I'm not good at grammar.
ReplyDeleteI like the rule make your opinion known because I think it is important to make sure people know your view on a topic. I will have a hard time with writing mechanics because I am bad at spelling and grammar.
ReplyDeleteI like the write less rule because I have a hard time elaborating my thoughts. I think I will have a hard time with having a writing style.
ReplyDeleteI think "link like crazy" would be the hard one for me. I don't know what to usually link so I do not link often. I also do not get on internet that often either.
ReplyDeleteI believe that bullet points are the correct way to go with your blog. They help make information easy to find and also sums up everything you are going to be talking about in your blog. I find this to be a challenge though, because it is difficult to know what all you need to include in just a few quick bullets.
ReplyDeleteits really important to make your opinion know, to go straight to the point and use less words.
ReplyDeleteThe most important rule on the "Top Ten Tips for a Blog Post" article is to write less because humans have tiny, decreasing attention spans and often cannot contemplate what they are reading.
ReplyDeleteThe most difficult for me will be to write with passion because I am only passionate about a few subjects.
I believe that making your opinion known is the most important tip because if you don't make your opinion known then there's not really a point to the blog. I will probably have the most trouble with quality of writing because i have trouble with coming up with ideas and how to word things.
ReplyDeleteWriting less is important because no one wants to read a very wordy post. I am most worried about writing interesting information to keep my readers coming back.
ReplyDeleteI like the rule "make your opinion known" because I think its crucial to let the audience know how you feel and what you're thinking. It's going to be difficult to keep my words a minimum because I like to elaborate.
ReplyDeleteI like the rule that maximum words is 250 because I often can become to wordy. The rule forces you to cut to the chase. I will have the most trouble writing with passion because I struggle with putting my feelings into words.
ReplyDeleteI feel the most important rule is that you should have 250 words or less, because some people might make there blog very wordy and long and people may loose interest easily. The rule I might struggle with the most is maintaining the style of my blog.
ReplyDeleteI believe that stating your opinion, and writing with passion are the most important things when writing. If you don't then you're not really writing about anything, just showing that you know the prompt. I think the thing I will struggle with the most throughout the year with these blog posts will be maintaing the same style.
ReplyDeleteI believe that writing with a passion is the most important because if you are writing about something you enjoy, your blog will be fun and exciting. I think I will struggle the most with editing your post. I need to watch out for errors and mistakes.