Title: Absences add up
Attendance is important. How many times in your site school, have you had to work with a student who has been absent?
Click on this link and search the website on things that can be done to improve attendance. Regardless of the reason, they hurt a child's ability to succeed in school. Look at your own attendance record, have you missed class two times per month? If so, have you gotten behind in your work?
Click on this link and search the website on things that can be done to improve attendance. Regardless of the reason, they hurt a child's ability to succeed in school. Look at your own attendance record, have you missed class two times per month? If so, have you gotten behind in your work?
In your blog, you need to discuss three ideas of how to prevent student's getting behind due to absenteeism. What can be done to encourage good attendance? Incentives? Extra help? Consequences? Talk to parents? Think about this. If you are wanting to become a teacher, you should be modeling good attendance to your students.