Title: Teachers Go Beyond the Call of Duty -- What's Your Calling?
Whether you competed at BCTAL, worked behind the scenes on a TAFE project, or prepared a Teacher Created Material for your classroom, you were all involved in a TAFE experience. Reflect on what you were called to do during this experience. You may want to consider some of the following as you write your reflection.
- What criteria did you use to make your decision about what contest(s)/competition(s)/project you selected for this course requirement?
- Knowing what you do now, would you make any changes about that decision? Would you select a different contest/competition/project? Team members?
- What were the obstacles/difficulties you encountered?
- What have you enjoy best/least about your contest(s)/competition(s)/project?
- If doing it all over again, what would you change?
- What have you gained from following through with this experience?
- Are you looking forward to anything as a result of your participation/completion of this?
- How do you plan to use your activity in your field site classroom? (non-competitors)
- TAFE competitors may discuss their plan to prepare for the Teach Tomorrow Summit in February.
Remember to follow the BCTAL 901 blog guidelines - 3 media sources: blog prompt, reference support, and other media of choice. Happy blogging!