Sunday, August 28, 2016

Title:  My Plan of Attack

Date Due:  Friday, September 2 (1:30)

Search the TAFE and Educators Rising websites.
  • Search for contests and competitions you are interested in doing this year.
  • Save the file or files of the contest(s) or competition(s) you are interested in pursuing for competition. Save in either Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Also, add the links of the contest and competition files on your blog post.
  • On your blog - you will need to write a narrative of what you are thinking of doing for competition. If you competed last year, reflect on what you did and what you will do differently this year.

Include the following in your discussion:

  • List steps to get started ...
  • Copy a hyperlink to the pages (contest or competition) you are interested in doing. (bookmark those pages as well)
  • Individual, team or class project - who will be working with you?
  • What you will need to be successful?
  • How long do you think it will take you to achieve your plan? (include time requirements in your timeline)
Welcome to a New Academic Year!

Academic year 2016 - 17 is in full swing.  It's a year that will provide much excitement, present opportunities for many, and close the high school chapter of our seniors' lives. 

I wish all of you the best as your journey takes you closer toward the day you have your own classrooms!  I encourage each of you to take advantage of the opportunities placed before you.  Try to make the most out of every situation.  Look for ways to make  yourself known to the people that may hire you in the future.  Make yourself shine while working with others who may be your colleagues some day.  Use the talents and gifts you have to make this the best experience ever!!!