Title: Creativity Counts!
Our own Lindsey Zimmer recently got to attend an Edshift conference in Los Colinas with other BISD educators. She was able to listen to a presentation by Sir Ken, witness an artist create drawings as he spoke, and sit on a panel of students with Sir Ken to discuss the state of education in their schools.
Use headphones to listen to the video below. Sir Ken Robinson is a well renowned author and educator. His TED Talk offers perspective on the controversial topic of killing creativity in children.
While you are thinking about what you will be teaching your own students in the coming weeks, think about what you are doing to encourage creativity. Are you developing it or are you killing it?
What is Creativity?
Why does Creativity matter in Education?
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt as if a teacher didn't let you be creative? If so, explain.
Have you ever had a teacher that let you be as creative as possible? If so, explain.
How do we fix the problem(s) described by Sir Ken Robinson?
Your answer should be written with complete thoughts and phrases.
You should give intelligent well-thought-out answers. You should also write in complete, grammatically correct sentences.
Sir Ken Robinson's Website. Click here
Sir Ken Robinson on TED Talks
Remember to follow blog rules: Quality of writing, mechanics, presentation, multimedia, deadlines.